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Right quality and long lifespan

We prevent damage to bridges and other structures through sustainable, innovative, and cost-effective solutions.

Brolänk are experts in bridge maintenance!

We ensure that your bridges last for many years to come

Vi kan skräddarsy för alla olika broar

What we do

We understand that each bridge is unique and has its own needs. Therefore, we take the time to get to know the specific conditions of the bridge before suggesting a solution. With high expertise and as a supplier of products from our world-leading partners, we help you find the best solution for your needs.

Brolänk har lång erfarenhet av brounderhåll

Long experience

At Brolänk, we have extensive experience in bridge maintenance and can help you ensure that your bridges last for many years to come. We can offer everything from ongoing maintenance to major new constructions.


We offer a wide range of products and services, including:

  • Bridge inspections

  • Supply and replacement of expansion joints and bridge bearings

  • Post-tensioning

  • Manufacturing of load-bearing steel structures. Certified according to EN 1090 EXC 3

  • Technical consultation on solutions for expansion joints, bridge bearings, and post-tensioning

  • Training/lectures in post-tensioning and expansion joints/bridge bearings

Our services

We maintain bridges all over Sweden!

Expansion joints

Sweden's most common bridge joint from Maurer. The transitional construction with the longest service life and the least maintenance.

Bridge bearings

The modern bridge bearing.

Long service life and high quality make this bridge bearing the obvious choice for sustainable construction.


We are experts in the field and carry out assessments of maintenance and repair measures on all types of bridge bearings and bridge joints.


We perform service and maintenance on all of Sweden's bridges. We have the required training and licenses and the work we perform is of high quality.

Övergångskonstruktion Brolänk
Brolänk brolager
Inspektion av underhålls- och reparationsåtgärder
Vi utför service och underhåll på Sveriges alla broar

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About us

Brolänk in numbers


Was founded

17 436

Meters of mounted sealing profile

8123 pcs

Nights on bridges

838 pcs

Number of projects

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